
Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology - Archive

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Volume 24, Number 1 (2020, in Bulgarian)

Използване на прогностичен индекс на устойчивост при обстановки с фьон в София

Красимир Стоев, Анастасия Стойчева, Христо Христов и Гергана Герова

Use of a Forecasting Index of Stability in Situations with a Foehn in Sofia

Krasimir Stoev, Anastasiya Stoycheva, Hristo Hristov, Guergana Guerova

Възстановяване на липсващи часови данни за ФПЧ10 за станции в София

Надя Нейкова и Пламен Нейчев

Missing data imputation for hourly PM10 concentrations in Sofia stations

Nadya Neykova, Plamen Neytchev

Верификация на хидроложките прогнози

Георги Кошинчанов, Снежанка Балабанова

Verification of hydrological forecasts

Georgy Koshinchanov, Snezhanka Balabanova

Алтернативни дигитални карти на параметри на почвата и растителната покривка за хидрологично моделиране на р.Вит и р.Осъм

Николай Недков, Петко Царев, Ерам Артинян

Alternative maps of soil and vegetation parameters for hydrological modeling of rivers Vit and Osam in Bulgaria

Nikolay Nedkov, Petko Tsarev, Eram Artinyan

Оценка на екстремния приток към язовирите за целите на тяхното управление

Красимира Начева, Анна Йорданова, Ирена Илчева

An estimate of the extreme inflow to the reservoirs for the purposes of their management

Krassimira Nacheva, Anna Yordanova, Irena Ilcheva

50 години сектор „Прогнози“ към НИМХ – филиал Варна

Венета Иванова

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Volume 24, Number 2 (2020, in English)

Verification of the regional numerical weather prediction
in Bulgaria with ALADIN-BG in Bulgaria

Boryana Tsenova and Rilka Valcheva

On the use of atmospheric instability indices based on NWP model production for thunderstorm forecast

Boryana Tsenova and Andrey Bogatchev

Raytracing the 8 July 2014 hail storm in Sofia, Bulgaria

Martin Slavchev, Elzbieta Lasota, Jan Kapłon

The Black Sea waves 2011-2020- hindcast based on ALADIN wind data

Vasko Galabov

Method for estimation of pre-sowing soil moisture in spring crops

Alexander N. Sadovski

Backward trajectories and cluster analysеs for study of PM10 concentration variations in Bulgarian urban area

Rozeta Neykova and Elena Hristova

On the use of Python programming language in NWP – atmospheric dispersion model coupling

Anton Petrov

Future air temperature changes in Sofia region during XXI century modeled for two 30-year periods

Radoslav Evgeniev, Krastina Malcheva

Weather and climate facts for year 2019 in Bulgaria

Ilian Gospodinov, Liliа Bocheva, Krastina Malcheva, Boryana Tsenova, Lyubov Trifonova

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Volume 23, Number 1 (2019, in Bulgarian)

Редакторски бележки

Татяна Спасова

Editor notes

Tatiana Spassova

Средиземноморските циклони и фьоновите синоптични обстановки в София 1975 -2001 г.

Красимир Стоев, Гергана Герова, Илиан Господинов

Mediterranean cyclones and foehn synoptic situations for the period 1975-2001

Krasimir Stoev, Guergana Guerova, Ilian Gospodinov

Изследване на две синоптични обстановки през януари и юли 2016 г. и връзката им с разпределението на облачни кондезационни ядра по размери

Виктория Клещанова, Анастасия Стойчева

Distributions of cloud condensation nuclei related to two synoptic situations in 2016

Viktoria Kleshtanova, Anastasiya Stoycheva, Veselin Tonchev

Сравнителен анализ на конвективни процеси и свързаните с тях интензивни валежи чрез числен модел за прогноза на времето и метода ГНСС метеорология

Мартин Славчев, Анастасия Стойчева, Гергана Герова

Comparative analysis of convective processes and the intense precipitation using numerical weather model and GNSS meteorology method

Martin Slavchev, Anastasiya Stoycheva, Guergana Gerova

Пространствено-времеви стохастичен модел за поява на валеж в България

Надя Нейкова, Пламен Нейчев

Space-time stochastic daily precipitation occurrence model for Bulgaria

Nadya Neykova, Plamen Neytchev

Анализ на моделираното разпределение на замърсители около сгради при различни метеорологични условия

Антон Петров

Analysis of modelled distribution of air pollutants around buildings at different meteorological conditions

Anton Petrov

Кратък обзор на някои метеорологични работни среди в Европа и използването им в оперативната практика

Евгения Егова, Анастасия Стойчева

Short overview of some meteorological workstations in Europe and their application in operational practice

Evgenia Egova-Traykova, Anastasiya Stoycheva

Прогнозиране на речния отток с използване на разпределен хидроложки модел (TOPKAPI)

Валерия Йорданова, Снежанка Балабанова

Forecasting river flow using distributed hydrological model (TOPKAPI)

Valeriya Yordanova, Snezhanka Balabanova

Detailed topographic data for hydraulic modeling of floodplain in urbanized areas

Vesela Stoyanova

Експерименти с оптично определяне на повърхностната скорост на потока в река по метода LSPIV

Андрей Налджиян, Петко Царев, Ерам Артинян

Experiments of optical determination of surface water velocity based on LSPIV method in Bulgarian rivers

Andrey Naldjiyan, Petko Tsarev, Eram Artinyan

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Volume 23, Number 2 (2019, in English)

Comparison of modeled wind speed fields with scatterometer wind data over the Black Sea

Marieta Dimitrova

Use of some types of errors to improve the forecast of temperatures

Hristo Hristov, Andrey Bogatchev

Aerosol optical depth calculations using the Bulgarian Chemical Weather Forecast System

Dimiter Syrakov, Maria Prodanova, Emilia Georgieva, Maria Dimitrova, Tatiana Spassova, Dimiter Atanassov, Blagorodka Veleva, Rumen Nedkov

Satellite Information Downscaled to Urban Air Quality in Bulgaria - Project description

Emilia Georgieva, Dimiter Atanassov, Tatiana Spassova, Ekaterina Batchvarova, Dimiter Syrakov, Maria Dimitrova, Rumen Nedkov, Blagoradka Veleva

Mapping temperature and precipitation climate normals over Bulgaria by using ArcGIS Pro 2.4

Krastina Malcheva, Lilia Bocheva, Tania Marinova

200 years since the birth of a remarkable Bulgarian: Dimitar Mutev (1818 –1864)

Tatiana Spassova

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Volume 22, Number 1 and 2 (2017, in English)


Ekaterina Batchvarova (Chief Editor), Tatiana Spassova (Executive Editor)

Return value estimates of significant wave height along Bulgarian Black Sea coast

Neyko M. Neykov, Vasko Galabov, Anna Kortcheva, Plamen N. Neytchev

GIS-based visualization of numerical wave forecast for the Black Sea

Anna Kortcheva, Vasko Galabov, Anastasia Chotrova, Peter Christov

Climatology of intense rainfall in Bulgaria in the recent decades

Krastina Malcheva

Chemical composition of precipitation in urban area

Elena Hristova

Construction of new nonlinear dynamical systems on the basis of known ones

Tatiana Spassova

Policies to address climate change: from theory to implementation

Antoaneta Yotova

XXVII Danubian conference on hydrological forecasting and hydrological bases of water management

Plamen Ninov, Elena Bojilova

Eightieth Anniversary of Vassil Andreev

Tatiana Spassova, Ekaterina Batchvarova

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Volume 22, Number 3 and 4 (2017, in English)


Ekaterina Batchvarova (Chief Editor), Tatiana Spassova (Executive Editor)

Climate profile of Bulgaria in the period 1988-2016 and brief climatic assessment of 2017

Tania Marinova, Krastina Malcheva, Lilia Bocheva, Lyubov Trifonova

Cold waves on the territory of Bulgaria in the period 1952-2011

Krastina Malcheva

Cold season tornadoes in Bulgaria – brief analysis

Lilia Bocheva and Boryana Markova

On the relationship between atmospheric and soil drought in some agricultural regions of South Bulgaria

Veska Georgieva, Stanislava Radeva, Valentin Kazandjiev

Numerical study of meso-scale circulation specifics in the Sofia region under different large-scale conditions

Evgenia Egova, Reneta Dimitrova, Ventsislav Danchovski

The Operative System ProData–Part One: Current Stage and Recent Improvements

Hristo Chervenkov, Valery Spiridonov, Eram Artinyan, Plamen Neytchev, Kiril Slavov, Minka Stoyanova

Applicability of Gaussian dispersion models for accidental releases in urban environment – results of the “Michelstadt” test case in COST Action ES1006

Anton Petrov, Joana Valente, Kathrin Baumann-Stantzer, Ekaterina Batchvarova

In remembrance of George Djolov

Ekaterina Batchvarova, Tatiana Spassova

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Volume 22, Number 5 (2017, in Bulgarian)


Екатерина Бъчварова (Главен редактор), Татяна Спасова (Изпълнителен редактор)


Ekaterina Batchvarova (Chief Editor), Tatiana Spassova (Executive Editor)

Класификация на бризова циркулация в крайбрежната зона на град Ахтопол на основата на данни от наземно базирано акустично сондиране и ултразвуков анемометър

Дамян Барантиев, Екатерина Бъчварова, Михаил Новицкий

Breeze circulation classification in the coastal zone of the town of Ahtopol based on data from ground based acoustic sounding and ultrasonic anemometer

Damyan Barantiev, Ekaterina Batchvarova, Mikhael Novitsky

Влияние на климатичните промени (до 2050 г.) върху интензивните валежи на територията на България

Валери Спиридонов, Снежанка Балабанова

Influence of climate change (by 2050) on the intensive rainfall on the territory of Bulgaria

Valery Spiridonov, Snezhanka Balabanova

Сезонна климатична оценка на зимата 2016-2017 г.

Кръстина Малчева, Любов Трифонова, Таня Маринова, Лилия Бочева, Цветан Димитров, Димитър Николов, Вълчо Попхристов, Калоян Иванов, Радослав Евгениев, Ваня Манева, Розета Нейкова

Seasonal climate assessment of the winter 2016-2017

Krastina Malcheva, Lyubov Trifonova, Tania Marinova, Lilia Bocheva, Cvetan Dimitrov, Dimitar Nikolov, Vulcho Pophristov, Kaloyan Ivanov, Radoslav Evgeniev, Vanya Maneva, Rozeta Neykova

Възстановяване на 6 часовия пиков валеж от 24 часовите измервания

Валери Спиридонов, Снежанка Балабанова

Retrieval of 6-hour peak rainfall from 24-hour measurements

Valery Spiridonov, Snezhanka Balabanova

Стохастични модели на денонощните суми на валежите с хибридни разпределения за станция Златоград

Надя Нейкова, Пламен Нейчев

Stochastic models of daily precipitation totals with hybrid distributions for Zlatograd station

Nadya Neykova, Plamen Neytchev

Поливни режими при миналия и настоящ климат в района на Плевен

Проф. дсн инж. Зорница Попова, Гл. ас. д-р инж. Мария Иванова

Irrigation scheduling under past and present weather conditions in Pleven, North Bulgaria

Prof. DSc Eng. Zornitsa Popova, Assist. Prof. Dr Eng. Maria Ivanova

Методът „decision tree” за прогноза на някои от опасните явления на летище бургас

Елена Tопузова, Николай Рачев

„Decision tree“ method for a forecast of some severe weather events at Burgas airport

Elena Topuzova, Nikolay Rachev

Състояние на качеството на атмосферния въздух в Пернишката котловина през 2001 г

Калоян Иванов

State of the air quality in the Pernik valley in 2001

Kaloyan Ivanov

Слънчева радиация: Актинометричните наблюдения в България

Димитър Атанасов, Ваня Манева

Solar radiation: Actinometric observations in Bulgaria

Dimiter Atanssov, Vanya Maneva

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Volume 21, Number 1 and 2 (2016, in English)

Spatio-temporal characteristics of some convective induced extreme events in Bulgaria

Lilia Bocheva, Tsveta Nikolova

Operational storm surge modelling in the Western Black Sea: one way coupling with a wave model

Vasko Galabov

Wave-current interactions in the Black Sea and Mediterranean sea: tests with two operational models

Vasko Galabov

Objective Climatology of the Cyclonic Circulation over the Mediterranean Based on Relative Vorticity Flux Estimation

Hristo Chervenkov

Classification of macrocirculation processes of the northwest Black sea region, which contribute to surface wind strengthening

Zubkovych S.O., Ivus G.P., Ahayar E.V., Horska L.M., Semerhey-Chumachenko A.B.

Assessment of water losses from Badovc Lake, Kosovo: Isotopic implications

Skender Bublaku, Arjan Beqiraj

Experimental research on the effective water abstraction permitting regime

Krasya Kolcheva, PhD, eng.

Simulation of the groundwater level fluctuations in riparian lowlands, part I

Zdravko Diankov, Sashka Stefanova

Simulation of the groundwater level fluctuations in riparian lowlands, part II

Zdravko Diankov, Sashka Stefanova

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Volume 20, Number 5 (2015, in Bulgarian)

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Volume 19, Number 1 and 2 (2014, in Bulgarian)